About Us
The Alaska Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the largest association of food & nutrition professionals in the state of Alaska and is an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Membership in this Association is limited to members of the Academy who designate Alaska as their affiliate of choice.
If you are a member and are unable to access this portion of the site, please contact us.
2023/2024 AKAND Board Members
Executive Board Members
President: Ashley Funk
President-Elect: Keriann Shine
Past President: Ladonna Dean, MDA, RD, LD, SNS
Secretary: Camille Irvine
Treasurer: Kathy Nunez
Delegate: Seth Anderson, MSNS, RD, LD
Communications Coordinator: Bec McDorman, MS, RDN, LD, FAND
Nominating Committee: 2 Open Positions
Appointed Members
State Policy Coordinator/State Regulatory Specialist: Open position
Media Representative/PR Chair: Keriann Shine BS, RD, LD
Public Policy Coordinator: Open Position
Diversity Liaison: Theresa Reynolds
Consumer Protection Coordinator: Jessilyn Dunegan
Professional Issues/Reimbursement: Open position
Board Member Schedule
The AKAND Board meets monthly on the first Wednesday of each month, from 12:00-1:00 pm. All-member socials are held throughout the year. Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings are held via tele- and video conference and are available to members. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email to receive an updated monthly link if you would like to attend.